Fri, 01/06/2017
Hot Springs AIDS Resource Center, Inc. dba-Tuggle Clinic
1801 Central Ave. Ste. A
Hot Springs
CEO's Information
Applicant's Contact Information

Part II

"Education = Prevention"

Please share the goal of the proposed program and include a brief list of key program activities and outcomes. This program will provide HIV/AIDS/STD prevention education education in Garland, Hot Spring, Clark and Montgomery counties. We partner with the school districts to provide educational programming and support with a goal of stemming the spread of HIV/AIDS/STD's in the aged 14-19 population. Currently this population represents the fastest growing demographic of newly infected individuals, representing nearly half of all new HIV diagnosis and a quarter of the STD infections in the state of Arkansas. In addition to programming and support, referrals will be made for follow up services that include testing and treatment.
$8,500.00 (Eight thousand, five hundred dollars)
$8,000.00 (Eight thousand dollars)
Health & Safety

Please provide your Mission Statement and describe how this program fits your mission statement: The Hot Springs AIDS Resource Center, Inc. (dab-Tuggle Clinic) as a non profit, community based, HIV/AIDS/STD service organization providing the basic necessities of life, such as food, personal hygiene products, education and charitable medical care to people living with HIV/AIDS/STD's. We provide compassion with HOPE and HELP with the infected and affected people living in our community.

Please describe your program: We are a small organization that is operated by skilled and educated volunteers that provides an essential health service that greatly expresses the drive to reach our young people as they are at a time in their lives that choices can have consequences that affect not only them but society as well. The "Education = Prevention" program is about as real as your going to find, but our topics are not highly enjoyable and/or acceptable to some people.

Description: A condition in the community that needs to be changed.
A need statement provides documentation of the nature and extent of the need within a given population: We know this education program is of great need in our community. The data that we receive from the Arkansas Department of Health's vital records show that the prevalence of sexual activity in school age 14-19 is at a all time high with teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases being reported at an alarming rate. We know that our public schools are mandated by the Department of Education to use abstinence based programs only, but the majority of schools do allow presentations that are science based programs to its students. Most administrators believe this platform will change in the near future. The "Education = Prevention" program does make a difference in choices that are being made by the teenagers that we are presenting too.

The main objective is for a young person not to become infected with any disease or infection. Educators in this field have to be able to present in a manner to reach a young person's thought process when they are at a point in making a decision or choice.

The Garland County Health Unit has been our gage in the statistics that are reported to the Arkansas Department of Health's vital records division. But working close with the public health investigator as we do, we are kept informed of the real time infections that are being reported. It hit home back in 2015 when we tested and confirmed a diagnosis of HIV from a 14 year old student from one of our public school systems in Hot Springs. There are many students that are diagnosed with a STD or STI each month, but HIV is the most severe disease that we test for.

Example: $20 a month provides a low-income child with 6 weeks of counseling: The cost of materials (Ora Quick Test - 750 @ $8.00 =$6,000.00 and ETR Print/Visual material =$492.00 and Consulting 20 presentations @100.00 =$2,000.00) is cumulative at $8492.00
We anticipate presenting in front of 3,000 students.

Please be specific: While the Tuggle Clinic currently provides some educational and outreach activities, the United Way funding will allow continuation and expansion of these activities and allow for broader reach to the target population of teenagers. By focusing on this target population and increasing educational, testing and treatment referrals. United Way funds will allow Tuggle Clinic to assist with stemming the alarming increase in HIV/AIDS?STD diagnosis. The funds will purchase over (800) Ora Quick Advance Antibody Test. Print and Visual materials thru CDC. We have a advocate/consultant that is the main presenter that is infected with HIV and we provide him with a $100 stipend per presentation.

The United Way funding has been essential the past couple of years as it allows our organization to to get in front of several thousand students that we need to be speaking with. Our testing of these teenagers have sky rocketed due to the fact of presentations made to them. A important reason that we are doing this program is made every month when someone test positive for HIV/STD. The most important factor has been teenagers telling us that they will change their sexual practice behavior.

Our program has been sustainable for many years but on a very small level since the cost involved is high with testing and it was a barrier that was in place that prevented a teenager to get tested. But the past few years that we have partnered with United Way we have entered a huge arena and in front of thousands of students. Our goal is to secure a large national grant thru the CDC but we have not been selected as of yet.

Our hope is that we can continue to lower the number of infection rate for our counties that we are serving, we know we are getting to some of the teenagers based on them talking with us. If our education is not provided, the only program they will hear is abstinence based only and most people know that has not worked, i.e. teenage pregnancy rate and std rate not only in our county but the state of Arkansas.

We do not have any other matching funds at this time for our "Education = Prevention" program. The Tuggle Clinic will continue to provide professional services (Physician, Nursing and Social Worker) at no charge when someone test positive thru this program as its beneficial to our community.

We work with all school districts (public and private) and we have made presentations to all school administrators as well as other community based civic organizations.

We have partnered with Garland County Health Unit, Ouachita Childrens Center, Hot Springs Boys and Girls Club, American Red Cross and Juvenile Court to provide services at request where a need of education has been brought to their attention.

Part III

DEFINITION: Resources the program used to achieve program outcome objectives.
Example: Staffing, Volunteers, Building, Equipment: We will have the professional services - Physician, RN, Social Worker and advocate presenter services of infected HIV person and volunteer peer educator.

DEFINITION: Attainable & measurable statement of intended effects of program on knowledge, skills, attitudes, behavior, or conditions of clients.
Objectives will answer: The program will do what, under what conditions, for what time frame & to what extent.
Example: Expand the number of individuals served by the program by 80% in 12 months: Our program will have 20 presentations this grant cycle year (July 2018-June 2019). We will have a target population of 3,000 students and will test 750 students.

DEFINITION: Specific activities program enacted to meet objectives.
Describe what staff and participants actually did.
Example: Participants did (XYZ). Staff did (XYZ): Our program will have 20 presentations to our target population and will be presented by a Clinical Social Worker, RN, Advocate Infected Presenter and Peer Educator.

DEFINITION: Actual numbers of clients served by each program service.
(Program services) provided (X) clients in the activity.
Example: Daily fitness program engaged 20 clients: Our presentations average 24-30 students per class, we normally do 3-5 classes per presentation and we count that entire day as one presentation.

DEFINITION: Specific information you will test that will reveal your programs level of achievement of its outcome objectives
(How you know the participants achieved outcome): Our measure will be the decline of statistics of the infection rate in our county. Additionally, when we are told that a person is changing their sexual behavior.

DEFINITION: Method for collecting information which will determine if the program outcome objectives are accomplished
Example: Survey, Test, Intake/Exit exams, Observations: We expect an increase in knowledge and understanding of HIV/AIDS/STD's and it will measured by anonymous survey that is collected by blind box.

We have heard several this past year. One that has stood out with me is a female teenager from Ft. Lake High School that has practiced un safe sex for two years and has chosen to rededicate her personal life and choices that won't put her in danger for disease. (A teacher called me and discussed this over the phone as it touched this person enough to talk to her - noting I was told the teenager did not have a mother in the home).
Geographical Area Served & Target Population
Client Totals
2,650 teenagers
3,000 teenagers
2,650 student presentations
3,000 student presentations
UW Grant-Part III (2018-19).docx

Part IV

UW Grant - Part IV (2018-19).docx

Our organization is not a primary generating income agency. we started as a charitable organization and have kept our mission statement true to our cause.

The Board of Directors are all volunteer and we do not have a buy in to apply for directorship. Our board initially was set up to benefit the infected persons in Hot Springs and is governed by 51% of clients that we serve. We are set with By-Laws that are followed and Roberts Rule of Order are maintained for each meeting.

Our board has met January 31, 2017 (Annual Meeting) / April 25, 2017 / July 25, 2017 / October 30, 2017

  • Were you able to pay all regular operational expenses within 60 days of the due date?
  • Have you been able to maintain your 501 (c) 3 Tax Exempt Status?
Mike S. Melancon

Part V

Agency Information
Mike Melancon
(501) 623-5598
Project Information
(If agency has more than one project to be completed, please email the rest of the projects in detail to
We have never had had one done for our organization but we have helped provide labor services at other needed agencies in the pa
Ideal - x Maximum - x Minimum - x We don't know yet
9:00 am
Describe in detail the project to be completed. A project is not selected as of yet.

  Yes No
Do you have a "project leader" with the skills needed? X  
(or) Do you need a leader?   X
Could the above "project leader" direct a group of average volunteers in completing this project? X  
(or) Are more volunteers needed with special skills?   X
work gloves, sun hats, etc… to be determined

Part VI

Please list event detail: Date, Time, Location, Coordinator, Event Title, Type of Event: We do not have any events coordinated yet. We will participate in a few health fairs in Garland, Hot Spring and Clark counties this spring.

Part VII

We ask for cleaning supplies (Lysol disinfectant wipes or spay) and paper goods (Toilet paper and kleenex)