Do you want to be a part of the decision making for which Non-Profits are chosen to receive United Way funding?

United Way Seeks Volunteer Grant-Makers

The United Way of the Ouachitas launched its annual grant-making process with a 2 hour mandatory grant writing workshop on December 8, 2023 at 9:00 am. Now the organization is assembling the Community Impact Teams that will help the United Way Board determine how the 2024 campaign funds will be spent.

Teams of 6-8 citizen volunteers will be responsible for studying the grant applications of non-profit organizations seeking funding in the areas of education, health and safety, and financial stability. They review and discuss the written grant application proposals, study agency audits and financial statements, and make site visits to interview agency staff and sometimes clients to get a clear picture of how the proposed program operates.

“This is a rare opportunity to get a front-row seat on the operations of local social service agencies. It is wonderful to learn about the great work our local programs do to meet the extensive needs of our community,” according to Executive Director Sarah Fowler. “Over 31% of area children live in poverty, and addressing the issues of childhood hunger and poverty is the community-wide goal of United Way of the Ouachitas.”

To volunteer, send a short letter of application telling us something about yourself by email to, or you can call the office at 501.623.2505 to learn more about the Community Impact Teams.

Volunteers will be trained in advance of taking on their duties, and will work under the supervision of experienced Community Impact Team leaders. The recommendations the teams make guide the final decision-making of the all-volunteer United Way Board of Directors at their May meeting. Grants are awarded the first of July for a 24-month period.

United Way of the Ouachitas covers an expansive service area extending outward from the Hot Springs hub, where most agency headquarters are located. The area encompasses Garland, Montgomery, Polk, and parts of Clark, Hot Spring, Pike, and Saline Counties. United Way of the Ouachitas has been in service to the Hot Springs region since it was first organized as the Associated Charities in 1917. 2017 marked its Centennial Anniversary, and it looks forward to the next 100 years!